
University of Santiago de Compostela


  • Computer Science Degree
    • Spring 2025: Teaching assistant, Operating Systems II.
    • Fall 2023: Teaching assistant, Networks.
    • Fall 2022: Teaching assistant, Operating Systems I.

Co-directed BSc/MSc Thesis

  • High Performance Computing Master Degree
    • 2023/2024: “Evaluation of the SYCLomatic tool”
    • 2021/2022: “Parallelization of a graph-based 3D point cloud segmentation algorithm using heterogeneous programming”
  • Computer Science Degree
    • 2023/2024: “Digital audio signal processing over programmable logic “
    • 2022/2023: “Multieffect system for electric guitar on programmable logic”
    • 2022/2023: “FPGA image and video processing using high-level languages”
    • 2021/2022: “Edge computing of LiDAR data on heterogeneous systems”
  • Computer Science and Mathematics Double Degree
    • 2021/2022: “Semi-automatic vegetation classification tool using LiDAR”