@article{Alcaraz2024,title={Assessing {I}ntel {O}ne{API} capabilities and cloud-performance for heterogeneous computing},author={Alcaraz, Silvia R. and Laso, Ruben and Lorenzo, Oscar G. and Vilariño, David L. and Pena, Tomás F. and Rivera, Francisco F.},journal={The Journal of Supercomputing},volume={80},pages={13295-13316},issn={1573-0484},doi={https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-024-05958-5},year={2024},publisher={Springer},keywords={Intel OneAPI, Intel DevCloud, GPU, FPGA, Heterogeneous computing, Cloud computing}}
Performance evaluation of heterogeneous CPU+iGPU and CPU+FPGA schemes using Intel OneAPI on the cloud
Silvia R. Alcaraz, Ruben Laso, and 4 more authors
In International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering (CMMSE), 2023
@inproceedings{Alcaraz2023,author={Alcaraz, Silvia R. and Laso, Ruben and Lorenzo, Oscar G. and Vilariño, David L. and Pena, Tomás F. and Rivera, Francisco F.},title={Performance evaluation of heterogeneous {CPU+iGPU} and {CPU+FPGA} schemes using {I}ntel {O}ne{API} on the cloud},booktitle={{I}nternational {C}onference {C}omputational and {M}athematical {M}ethods in {S}cience and {E}ngineering ({CMMSE})},year={2023},address={Rota (Spain)}}